Successful Weight Loss


Successful Weight Loss – Step 3 – Behaviour

If you’re one of the millions of people who have tried diet after diet and think that exercise in any shape or form isn’t for them, then you are not alone. In fact you’re in the majority. Your weight probably goes down a bit, then up a bit, nothing really works for very long.

This is because there are very few people who show you how to change your behaviour in the long term. Once you understand that process you can work with it and see the results you’ve always dreamed of.  Successful Weight loss is possible. Much of this centres on identifying and replacing old habits with new better ones. This can be anything from making big changes such as replacing junk food with healthy eating to smaller ones, for example swapping your regular Friday night takeaway to a healthy homemade meal. At Phoenix Fitness we know that whatever it is, it can be done – and we can show you how.

Staying Motivated

One of the hardest parts of losing weight and getting fitter is staying motivated. The first few weeks aren’t too bad but as time goes by commitment tends to waver and cheat meals become cheat days. These then become ‘bad weeks’. Before you know it you’re back to square one. This doesn’t have to happen. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to establish a training routine. If you commit to training on Monday Wednesday and Friday at 9 am then that routine quickly becomes a fixed habit and something that you become very comfortable with.

If you incorporate some personal training sessions into your routine that’s even more effective as your habit then becomes a firm commitment. The additional advantage is that a personal trainer will always do their up-most to keep you focused on your goals. Warning: they will also make you work harder!

Make your Training Fun

There are so many different activities you can do in the gym, always focus on what you enjoy doing. Cultivate your sense of adventure and you will find yourself doing some really amazing things that you never thought possible. Don’t think that your gym time should revolve around treadmills and exercise bikes. Try some kettlebell work, use the battle ropes, resistance machines, plyometric workouts, free weights, suspension training ….. the possibilities are endless. Before long the natural endorphins associated with happiness will start to kick in and you will start to get a natural high during your gym visits that your body and mind will crave. This is how good habits are created.

Eat to train don’t train to eat. This is such an important mindset to adopt for successful weight loss. People of all shapes and sizes rush to the gym to make up for yesterday’s parmo, chocolate cake, or night out. Never think of your training as punishment for over indulging. Training is supposed to be fun, not penance for your dietary sins.

Don’t let your beliefs hold you back

When it comes to successful weight loss, what you believe can have a profound effect on what you do. If you find yourself saying that it’s difficult to lose weight then you will tend to make that belief a reality. Furthermore you will avoid putting yourself in a position where you might feel like a failure. Don’t compare yourself with others; there will always be someone slimmer, faster or stronger than each and every one of us.

Just concentrate on being your own competition and working towards your own personal bests. Focus on the process not the results and make it all about you.

Identity Based Habits and Transformations

We often overestimate the importance of a single problem such as being overweight and underestimate the importance of making better choices on a daily basis, like training 5 days per week or cutting out junk food. This is because we fall into the trap of thinking that losing that weight will transform us into the person we want to become. As a consequence, the end result is all we focus on.

In reality it’s the actions you take on a daily basis, what you eat and how you train that will turn you into that person. When you dedicate yourself to training regularly and focusing on the habits that form a better identity, that’s when you evolve into the person you want to become. You become slimmer, stronger and fitter by focusing on the process, not the outcome.

How Habits Work

According to behavioural psychologists, every habit you have, whether good or bad, follows the same 3 step pattern.

1. Reminder: the trigger that initiates the behaviour

2. Routine: the behaviour itself; the action you take

3. Reward: the benefit you gain from doing the behaviour

Become conscious of what triggers your habits. As an example, watching TV on an evening may be one of your triggers. This trigger might initiate the behaviour of snacking on crisps, chocolate or a glass of wine. This routine will reward you with gratification. When you can see the pattern then you can change the behaviour or avoid the trigger.

Good habits are formed in exactly the same way. If you take watching TV on an evening as an example trigger, you can replace this trigger with another action such as going to the gym, having a bath, taking a walk, reading and so on. Whatever you choose will initiate a completely different set of behavioural responses.

Find something enjoyable and make a ritual out of it that avoids food and alcohol, or if it really does have to include food make it as healthy as possible.

Likewise, if you still want to watch TV on an evening be conscious of your old negative behaviour and replace it with something better. Replace alcohol with a fruit tea or chocolate for crudités. There are always options if you are open to finding them. Have a play around and see what works for you. If necessary consult your personal trainer for ideas and advice.

FACT: According to one study, it takes anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a new habit. Much depends on the individual, the behaviour and the circumstances.

Helpful Tips for Successful Weight Loss

  • Eat to train don’t train to eat.
  • Never eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or stress.
  • It’s not a goal until it’s written down.
  • Don’t try to change everything at once. Take it one step at a time. You can’t change the all the habits of a lifetime in a single day.
  • Know why you’re doing everything. When you understand what an action, a thought or a food does to your body it becomes much easier to follow the right advice.
  • Eating without using your TV, computer or smart phone helps decrease the amount of food your body needs to feel full and satisfied.
  • Choose SMART Goals (Your PT will help with these).
  • Keep a Food diary every day.
  • Embrace routine both in the gym and in your diet. Routine creates good habits and good habits lead to success.
  • Take the convenience out of eating. Adding extra steps will allow you to turn a mindless eating behavior into a conscious choice, reducing the chance of overindulgence.