
Flexible Low Sugar Diet

Fad diets and crash diets don’t work in the long term. What does work is being aware of what you are eating and why.

Most people reading this will have tried a variety of different diets with varying degrees of success. Below is a sensible, flexible diet plan that when combined with a good exercise program, will enable you to eat a healthy, balanced diet and lose weight.

The idea behind this flexible diet is that it greatly reduces dependence on starchy foods that elevate your blood sugar and trigger an insulin response and replaces them with healthy alternatives. That doesn’t mean you can never eat a potato again, it just means that things such as white rice, pasta, bread and potatoes don’t form an essential part of every meal. Instead we focus on protein such as meat, fish, eggs or tofu and fresh vegetables and salad.

When you look at the diet, every meal is a suggestion. Adapt is to suit your likes and dislikes. A beef stir-fry for example can become a prawn stir-fry if you are a pescatarian or a quorn stir-fry if you are a vegetarian. The point is, you will be eating nutritionally dense meals that are high in fibre and low in sugar and contain a sensible number of calories.

The diet below will work for most people who don’t have special dietary needs. It is designed to be flexible, if you don’t like eggs and want porridge every morning, that’s not a problem. If you work shifts swap your meals around in a way that works for you. Keep to the format in terms of 3 meals a day. There are no snacks in the plan – unless you are trecking solo across the north pole dragging a big heavy sled behind you, then you don’t need those additional calories! And no, snacks don’t keep your metabolism ticking over at a higher rate … exercise does that. 🙂

Try this for a week and see how you feel at the end of it.

If you need more information, help or advice contact Giselle to find out more.

 Read More  : Nutrition Explained >>>>